Saturday, December 15, 2007

FITS-KASC Database Management Undergoes Upgrading

by Marciano Paroy Jr.

The Farmers’ Information and Technology Services (FITS) Center of KASC joined the band of other FITS Centers in the country whose websites are being maintained by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCARRD) for a three-day training on web content management at the Benguet State University in La Trinidad from December 5-7.

Representing Kalinga-Apayao State College is Marciano Paroy Jr., being the Information Services Specialist of the KASC FITS Center.

The training is targeted at building-up the FITS Information System – a web-enabled system, which allows simultaneous updating of data by various FITS centers nationwide. In this manner, collection of important data and information in the Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources (AFNR) sectors are fast and easy. In this way, the evaluation and monitoring functions of PCARRD are made easier.

FITS Information System aims generally to serve as a viable tool to facilitate faster access of information to fast track the delivery of services to AFNR clients. Moreover, it also intents to organize data available on technologies, whether from local, regional and other sources; to provide an up-to-date inventory of agriculture-related publications and other communication materials that are available in the FITS/Techno Pinoy Center; and to make ICT-based services available to FITS clients.

FITS IS utilizes the following databases, described as follows:

The Farmers Database contains the farmers’ socio-economic profile which includes personal information, total farm size and characteristics, commodities and other agriculture-related activities, and annual income and its sources. It also documents farmers’ information and technology service needs, thereby serving as a dynamic feedback mechanism to ensure the relevance of service being provided by the FITS Center.

The Experts Database provides an inventory of agriculture and natural resources researchers that can be tapped for technical and consultancy services by the FITS clients in the area. The FITS center staff refers to this database in such case where a client needs to avail of the expert’s services such as pests and diseases management, latest production technologies, etc. The experts’ profile is not limited to experts within the locality but also includes researchers/scientists from other regions.

The Contact Firms Database contains the firms/establishments, which the FITS Center may refer to clients for business partnership.

The Publications Database provides an inventory of publications and other print materials that are available in the FITS Center. The Videos Database provides an inventory of technology/information materials in video packages.

The Technologies Database captures data on agriculture and natural resources technologies generated by the R & D institutions in the area. These technologies are considered mature and are ready for dissemination to clients within the locality of the FITS center and nearby communities. Likewise, this database serves as source of technologies that are being subjected to validation and assessment as to their potential for becoming an enterprise. Indigenous or rural people’s knowledge is also being considered for documentation but with some provisions for validation by both the knowledge generator and the concerned R & D institutions prior to dissemination.

The Clients Database is a compilation of clients seeking professional advice or services from the FITS Center. It stores the data on the clients and their inquiry made upon visiting the FITS Center.


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