Wednesday, January 7, 2009


In every organization, one would always find a group of individuals who refuse to go with the flow of things – even if the direction of such flow is pointed towards the positive end. These people resist, and try to cause some rips in the overall picture so that the envisioned goal may not be attained. Sometimes they even achieve this by not doing anything at all.
Take the recently concluded accreditation activity in my school, the Kalinga-Apayao State College. It was quite easy to distinguish those who share the vision of the College President on the offering of programs that have earned recognition by an accrediting body – as opposed to those who stand by the sidelines and remain indifferent.
From the standpoint of a driven and energetic leader, these people and their negative energies are seen as obstructions. “Everyone knows better;” No one in his right mind could advocate the change being introduced.”
When the movement for that desired goal begins to grow, the forces PRO and CON become identifiable. Those who see a favored change as good and needed for the organization find it hard to believe the lengths to which opposition will go to squelch that goal. The resisting force, on the other hand, is seen as stubborn, hide-bound, cantankerous irritants.
And, indeed, they are.
But let us focus on the positive by dissecting Dr. Eduardo Bagtang’s foresight. By his determination to sustain the accreditation undertaking, he displays a man who climbs out of the present state of affairs to look beyond the horizon and bring back a visualization of that future to modify the tempo, quality and direction of the present situation.
It is just so sad to note that, despite such willpower, a few individuals detach themselves. They can be counted by the fingers though, and gauging by their weakness to influence others to think like they do – since most members in the organization have shifted their gaze towards that bright future that accreditation brings – they remain to be nuisance.
One movie I strongly recommend: “The Nativity Story.”
When I saw the review of the movie, I went out of my way to look for a copy, and true to the words of the critics, there is finally a movie version on the birth of Christ which is Biblically accurate, historically authentic, and visually stunning.
The Nativity Story, which was produced by the same company that produced the Oscar-winning The Lord of the Rings, made its world premiere at the Vatican in 2006.
The film stars Academy Award nominee Keisha Castle-Hughes (Whale Rider) as Mary, Oscar Isaac (Guerrilla) as Joseph and Academy Award nominee Shohreh Aghdashloo (House of Sands and Fog) as Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist. It is directed by Catherine Hardwicke (the teen drama "Thirteen") from a screenplay by Mike Rich (Finding Forrester, The Rookie, Radio), who claims to be a devout Christian.
The Nativity Story was filmed in Matera, Italy, also used as a location for The Passion of the Christ, because Nazareth and Jerusalem are now very modern, according to Rich.
But then, most of us would want to laugh big this Christmas Season. Which is why don’t neglect to re-watch Home Alone, already considered a classic and ranks as number 1 favorite in the “comedy for Christmas” category – in almost all listings made around the world.

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