Friday, October 5, 2007

Patch Farming in Barangay Magao-gao

Patch Farming Practice in Barangay Magao-gao

By Ernesto Miguel and Jovita Saguibo

(Edited by Marciano Paroy Jr.)


This study was conducted to assess Patch cultivation practices in Barangay Magao-gao, Pinukpuk Kalinga. The study was conducted from November 2005-July 2006.

Investigation showed that culture and tradition and socio economics indicators are strong factors. However further investigation and review conducted by the researchers indicated that other than the stated factors, population growth that has caused migration and poverty had caused the farmers to practice patch cultivation.

The introduction of a simple but effective technology in Barangay Magao led the farmers into a solution that made their patch farms become permanent agricultural production sites.


Patch cultivation, common term for “shifting cultivation,” is a deforestation technique used to clear large areas of forest for agriculture and other purposes.

In many forested areas, the regeneration of mineral component in the ground, after frequent agricultural use, takes a very long time. Hence, pressure to find new, unused arable land to farm is obtained by clearing the remaining virgin forests and later burning the wood or the felled trees. The formerly used patch farms are often abandoned or allowed a phase of reforestation before cultivating again; however, it may take years, the most 7 years for an area to become agriculturally useful once more to the patch farmers.

(this is a poster on the research on Patch Farming, designed by Marciano Paroy Jr.)

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