Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sustaining Rain-fed Agricultural Production by Improved Management of Natural Resources

Proponents: Ernesto Miguel & Jovita Saguibo

ABSTRACT written by Marciano Paroy Jr.

Given the agricultural situation in the province of Kalinga where some areas are devoted to rain-fed production, this undertaking was formulated to answer the very pressing problem of food scarcity, and environmental degradation.

Clearly, there is a need to solve the immediate subsistence needs of the farmers while taking into consideration the practices that would pose no harm to the environment.

This study is focused on the optimized management of natural resources in the dry areas, resulting to sustained productivity while preventing soil degradation. It is targeted to pre-selected agro-ecologies and socio-economic environment in three municipalities in the province of Kalinga – namely, Rizal, Tanudan, and Pinukpuk.

It takes the approach of introducing a rational use of land-based technologies derived from the farming systems conducted at the Kalinga-Apayao State College, and the all-too important involvement of farmers by way of participatory planning.

Thus, piloting of cropping systems and improved production techniques using different related studies that were developed in KASC took place in the aforementioned areas. Prior to this was a three-directional methodology: (1) Collection, Assembly and Analysis of Data on Soil, Climate, Crops and Inputs; (2) Assessment of Major Socio-economic, production constraints to sustainable crop production; and (3) the development of a farm model.

Having involved the farmer cooperators all throughout the program, this undertaking was able: (a) to increase the knowledge of farmers and are now circulating the know-how among themselves; (b) to put in place better land preparation; and (c) transfer to the farmers’ level better farming methods resulting to higher income.

It was found out that farmers are willing to take risks when they are fully convinced with a technology – regardless of its simplicity or complexity.

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